5 Tips for killer website copy

Customers of the 21st century crave and demand more from every business they interact with – this includes yours. They want to engage with your brand, get to know you, and discover why they should choose you over that other business offering a similar jam.

Oh, and they often want to achieve all this quite quickly too, so time is of the essence.

How websites are built and designed, and how the words within them are written, sway potential customers more than you may know. So, getting these things right, is more important than ever.

Read more from Perth Copywriter, Sami Craven to discover 5 tips for killer website copy.


1: Address your audience

You’re not writing for you, you’re writing for your audience, so if you’re not going to address them first and foremost, then you may as well not even bother.

Please, don’t start writing until you have thought about your audience and asked yourself the following questions:

  • Who is my target audience?

  • What type of information will benefit my target audience?

  • What will interest my target audience?

  • What type of language is my target audience more likely to respond to?

  • ·What are their fears, worries and concerns?

  • What do they need? Or what is the problem they need to solve?

Only once you’ve figured all this out, will you be able to create and write website content that addresses your target audience and your target audience only.


2: Build your business brand

This brings us to your brand. Your brand is how it identifies itself and how customers recognise and experience your business.

In the words of Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

Without a brand, how will customers get to know and recognise you, let alone choose to buy from you?

Strong, iconic brands are memorable and stick in consumers’ minds.

Think of a high-powered vacuum, then think of nice and affordable furniture you have to put together yourself, and finally a fizzy dark-coloured drink – it’s no coincidence that you probably thought of; Dyson, IKEA and Coca-Cola. They created their brands this way for a reason.

Whilst I’m not saying you’re going to become a world-renowned brand overnight, here’s some simple starting points to develop your very own business brand and make it shine bright in your website copy:

  • Develop your unique identity and tone of voice and make this consistent Establish your brand personality – Do you want to be clear and professional? Fun and quirky? How about all four?

  • Commit 100% to nurturing and upholding your business brand and what you want it to be

  • Find your own brand words and use them everywhere


3: Remember the four C’s

Waffles are best served with strawberries and maple syrup, yet, waffles (aka waffling) shouldn’t be anywhere in or near your clever website copy. Just like waffles, your website copy should be short and sweet.

When writing your website content, keep yours:

  • Clear

  • Clever

  • Creative

  • Concise

Less is more. Let’s move on.


4: Provide value and evoke emotion

One of the main goals of writing killer copy is to make it shareable – to make customers want to share what they read with their friends and family. And what better way to advertise your business for free than with social media sharing?

What makes content shareable? VALUE. WE ALL LOVE VALUE (like the value you’re hopefully getting right now)! Tips and tricks for your customer within website copy provide tonnes of it.

On that note, make your words emotional, too. One of the ways you can do this is with a story – a story that grabs attention, for instance, is one that isn’t quickly forgotten. Memory strongly links to emotions, so make ‘em laugh, smile, feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and/or cry.

Bonus points if you manage to evoke all four!


5: Hire a Perth Website Copywriter

Don’t have the time to write your own killer website copy? I hear you.

You can still get results with a little helping hand.

At Craven Content, we write website copy that will:

  • Entrance your target market with the power of words

  • Engage and inspire and get your readers saying “me too! I need this.”

  • Get your brand, story, products and services out into the big wide world.

A strong website with killer copy addresses its audience, has an identifiable business brand, is clear and concise, provides value and evokes emotion.

We all have a story within us of desires, business beginnings and deliverables – but not all of us have the words to express it. Don’t worry, I’ve got the words to help you make it happen, magically.

Need help getting killer website copy out there and online?

Explore the Craven Content website packages today.


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