Why people buy from people
I’m a big believer in the fact that it’s okay to share something personal about yourself. It’s okay to be real and it’s okay to be a little vulnerable, even in the business world.
Why? Because people buy from people and if you don’t show your personality, yourself and your true colours, then why would they buy from you? How do they possibly know who they’re buying from if you don’t tell them?
As a Copywriter, one of my most important roles is to get to know you and let you shine through in my writing – After all, it’s you I’m writing about!
Let’s be honest though. What you share must be within reason…
Your potential customer probably doesn’t need (or want to) know about your recent divorce, invisible childhood friend or latest crush.
They may want to, however, know a bit about you, what kind of person you are, how you got to where you are today and why you do what you do. All this, impacts their decision of whether they’re going to buy from you, whether you like it or not!
And so, with that in mind, here is a little insight into me.
A severe stutter
I had a great childhood. Along with that though, I struggled with a severe stutter.
I would spend much longer than the average person trying to speak and that was extremely frustrating (not only for me, but for others around me).
For years I attended speech therapy and my mother was told by a top speech therapist that I was one of the worst cases she’d ever seen (gulp)!
At school, I was heavily teased for my stutter (surprise surprise). You know the saying “t-t-t-today junior!”, yep! I heard that one all the time! Therefore, I didn’t speak very much, because it meant less teasing for me.
The beginning of writing
And because speaking was often such a challenge … I wrote!
I wrote whenever and whatever I could.
Anything from stories, to poems, to song lyrics, to everyday life in my journal. I could express exactly what I wanted to express, when and how I wanted to express it.
The page I was writing on, or the keyboard I was typing on, wouldn’t laugh at me or try to finish my sentences. With writing, I was free!
No more school
I left school at the age of 14 and 9 months… I know what you’re thinking. It’s young, possibly too young, but it happened.
Although I was very good at school, I hated it. So, I went to TAFE where I studied business.
Into the workforce
At the age of 15 and 9 months, I landed my first real job as a junior office clerk in an Accounting Firm. I worked my way up and was there for 6 years. My boss, who was like my work mum, is still a very close friend of mine.
At the age of 18, I moved out of home and have been (almost) completely independent ever since.
At age 20, I fell into financial planning and by the time I was promoted to Assistant Financial Planner at the AMA at age 26, I realised financial planning was not for me. I enjoyed the job and found it interesting. But it was not my passion.
I studied Communication and Media with OTEN – these studies took me to Sydney, where I received an Outstanding Student Award for my efforts.
I realised then, this was more the area for me.
Craven Content was born…
So, in July 2016, I decided to pursue writing and try my hand at Copywriting. Craven Content was born.
I wrote after work hours and on weekends, whilst working a 40-hour week in financial planning.
A fork in the road
In June 2017, a choice came my way… One that would bring me to where I am today. A blogging client of mine asked me to work for her – She was a Matchmaker. Perfect! I thought! I get a job and possibly the man of my dreams, all at the same time.
Within 6 weeks of working for her though, I realised it wasn’t the right move for me.
Everything happens for a reason though and in hindsight (such a beautiful thing), taking that job was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, because it got me to where I am today.
‘Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place’
It gave me the courage I needed to get out my comfort zone, quit my job and work on my own!
Something I wouldn’t have been able to do without my parents. My father with his financial support and my mum with her emotional support - I am so incredibly blessed to have their support and belief in me.
Working from home and on my own
I have now worked from home and on my own for almost eight months and although It’s not an easy adjustment, this working alone business, but even so, I’ve never looked back!
Fifty clients and thirty different industries later, I can confidentially say it was the best decision I’ve ever made.
To this day, I still have a stutter
To this day, I still have a stutter. However, it is nowhere near as severe as it used to be and I am now perfectly capable of holding a conversation.
In saying all of this though and no matter how much my speech has improved, writing is still very much my preferred form of communication and expression and do you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I know what it’s like not to have a voice
I know what it’s like not to be able to express or communicate my feelings, thoughts, knowledge and ideas and I know in my heart that I don’t want anyone else to know how that feels, if I can help it. And so, I want to help others have a voice. Not by speaking for them (we’ve already established this isn’t exactly a talent of mine), but by helping people who don’t enjoy writing, people who aren’t talented when it comes to writing, or people who perhaps can’t write at all.
I want to help people put their ideas, thoughts, knowledge and feelings into the written word.
By doing so, I will not only be helping them share their stories, help their businesses to grow and their passions get out into the world and shine, I will also be helping myself, by sharing one of my talents and my ‘WHY’, with the world.
So, there you have it, I’ve shared some personal things about myself and I’ve likely come across a little bit vulnerable (but that’s okay). And I can tell you right now, I’m fairly certain that you are likely feeling one of the following three things after reading this:
Wow! I can’t wait to work with Sami from Craven Content! She sounds amazing!
What an inspiration… This has really inspired me to share something personal about myself. I think I’ll do that.
I don’t think Sami from Craven Content is the right Copywriter for me, but I wish her all the best.
No matter which one of these resonates with you, it’s okay, because this is the power of such a blog and the power of you as a person and as a business owner.
By sharing a little bit more about you, you are making an impact either way, and you are allowing the right people and the right clients to find you – Not everyone is a right fit for everyone, and not every business is a right fit for every business. It’s as simple as that.
So, no matter what, I beg of you… keep being you!
Want to discuss copy over coffee? Or perhaps you’d like me to get to know you and let it shine through in my writing? Get in touch with me today!